Thursday 4 February 2016

Laneway 2016 Crash Course

It's almost that time. Laneway has come around again and I'm gonna give my my hot tips on who you probs shouldn't miss. Soz if you live in Adelaide, you are currently living your Laneway dream as I type this, but I trust your decisions and believe in you timetable choices. Also you will notice I have not included Flume, if you don't already know who he is, I'm afraid it's to late for you and you're probs not going to Laneway anyway.

So Brisbane pals, tomorrow is our big day. You should be familiar with most of the artists by now and at least know 1 or 2 songs, in the case that you don't, I'm going to give you a quick little crash course on who you need to highlight on your laminated timetables. Great let's begin!


This girl is on the midst of blowing up. She is a super cool emerging producer and singer out of Melbourne. She put out her track With Her last year which our old friend Lorde gushed over on the Twitter, nbd. She's opening the festival so get down early to witness this gal live. 


Idk if I've ever communicated that I love QT and SOPHIE individually before... lol. I'm still coming to terms with this.  It hasn't actually sunk in that I will be seeing this in front of my face in just over 24 hrs. My first experience with PC Music was the first time I heard SOPHIE's Lemonade and from that moment on my life was changed. Then Hey QT by QT (produced by SOPHIE and A.G Cook came along and I was in love. SOPHIE also just put out his album Product and I am going to lose my mind when he plays Vyzee from it . These two are playing together tomorrow so if you wanna see a 19 y/o girl cry, come find me there.

Hudson Mohawke 

I have been waiting to see Hudmo live for so long man. He's Lantern LP last year was all killah no fillah and it has a sound that demands a festival setting. I think Scud Books will be a highlight of the festival for sure, it's just going to be a beautiful time for everyone involved.


Another artist who I have loved since I was about 14 or 15. The Visions album brings back so many high school memories (s/o bdow44, I'll never forget you dancing to Genesis at Jess's house in year 10). She finally put out a new album this year, Art Angels and if you miss her live, I am truly sorry for your loss in advance.


Here's another kewl dewd. Spectrum of his album And After That, We Didn't Talk is one of my fav releases of last year. He also jumped on another one of my favs for a verse, Kelela's Rewind and it's sick. He's gonna be super fun live, kinda like Vic Mensa was last year I reckon.


THIS GUY! I love Shamir, he's the sassiest one on the lineup for sure. On The Regular is a fucking anthem and it includes ample cowbell, so that's all I need to say to convince you to go see him at a Laneway near you. 

Vince Staples

Vincey Vincey Vince. I got really into Vince late 2014 after I heard Blue Suede and then I got even more into him after I heard him on Ghost by With You. last year, another one of my fav releases. He better play this, he will right? Yeh surely. Only one way to find out, highlight it. Hot tip, he is on Flume's new song Smoke And Retribution so don't be surprised if that collab happens IRL on stage

The Internet

Hey first group on the list, go The Internet! These guys are super slick and the front woman Syd Tha Kyd is effortlessly cool. She's got an amazing voice and she's a sick producer too. If you haven't heard anything from The Internet you might have heard her productions for the OFWGKTA crew she is a part of. Listen to Girl by The Internet and you will understand why you gotta catch these guys.


I have seen these guys every time they have come to the country and I will continue to do so as long as they keep putting out albums like The Bones of What You Believe and Every Open Eye. My first Laneway was when Brisbane was still +18, I was 17 but had my sisters ID so that was not an issue. Chvrches were the first act I saw and I remember dancing with a gay boy and his friend and we all screamed the lyrics together and drank out of a boiling hot flask full of vodka. It was a great time and Chvrches will forever hold a place in my heart. Can't wait to see them again! 

Cool so you know all you really need to know to make the most out of you Laneway this year, have a gr8 time, drink responsibly, don't do drugs...or pat the sniffer dogs... the five-o don't like when you do that. Put most importantly enjoy live music and keep going to cool shit like this until you're 71. 


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