Thursday 3 March 2016

UNiiQU3 pls

(cool pic via NEST HQ)

Hey biddies <3

People throw around the word queen, or as I like to say kween, like it ain't no thang these days and tbh, there is some sacrilege going on. UNiiQU3 is somebody who is most defiantly a KWEEEENNN to the highest level of royalty and although in my world she already reins supreme, I feel there are some people who are still missing out :( But stop your sniffles and put your 2 ply tissues away bb girl because I'm about to fill a hole in your body you didn't even know you had.

So UNiiQU3 is sitting top tier on the jersey club pyramid rn in my opinion. She not only makes fire beats, girl's got bars and her mixes are lit af. I will probably include a UNiiQU3 track in every set I ever do for the rest of my life. Catch me spinning her Satisfaction remix at my 50th anniversary soiree.

A good starting point would be her track Ima Get Hype, I thinnnk that was my first experience with her music and I was sold immediately. Idk if it's just me, but I can't track it down anywhere! So maybs go straight to Wham Bam ft. Dj Tricks, that's also v v good.

I have been graced with the IRL presence of UNiiQU3 once before in Australia (s/o NLV Presents 2k14) and it was life making. Not only did she smash her set, she put in work dancing on stage like the boss ass bitch she is. So what I'm getting at here is, pls pls someone bring her back and let's all go have the best night of our lives together. thnx in advance.

Listen to my fav UNiiQU3 tracks below to prepare for her sacred and surely imminent (pls) return to Australia. xxxxxxx

Follow UNiiQU3

Snapchat!!!!! - kweenniqu3

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