Thursday, 22 September 2016

You Better Not Have Missed These ~ Albums

Ahoy there!

Well, well, well, what a cool year it has been for the album. I am happy to announce that I bought 6 albums this year with real money (rare). Last week's reunion special had me catching you up on cool tracks that you might have missed over the past few months so this week is record time.

Ooooh baby baby, you're not gonna believe your ears. Some of my favourite albums of all time came out this year and i'm still jumping for joy and playing them from start to finish on a regular basis.

Man oh man oh man here we go, without further adieu (ado?) the best albums of the year so far imho.

Nao - For All We Know

I'm listening to this right now! I have listened to this 18 track album from start to finish more times this year than I have been incorrectly been called Kirsty (TOO MANY TIMES).  Great news for me is Nao is coming to Laneway next year and great news for Nao is that if she forgets the words i've got her covered. Watch her take over the world.

Santigold - 99c 

Fun fact: the first post I ever wrote was about Santigold. I was listening to L.E.S Artistes and Disparate Youth on a constant loop one night and it inspired me to start this blog so yeah. Make a mental note of this in case it's a trivia question one day. 

99c is a perfect album and the concept and marketing of the whole thing is flawless. Santigold is a visionary and in my top 2 artists of all time.

Rihanna - Anti

I really hope this isn't the first you are hearing of this. If you are like Sandro and have been SLEEEPING, let this be your prompt to stop what you're doing right now and listen to this for your own good. Every song on Anti could be a single and that's all I need to say.

Kanye West - The Life Of Pablo

He mf did it again. Probably his best album ever. T.L.O.P should have done for Kanye what Never Say Never 3D did for Bieber. Convert the naysayers into Ye'sayers!

Next time you hear a hater flapping their lips, get them to shooshie up but sticking some of those weird new wireless earphones in their holes and playing any song from this LP. 

M.I.A. - AIM 

If you follow me on anything you might have noticed my subtle hints that I am obsessed with M.I.A.. When I heard she had a whole album on the way I could have OD'd on joy. 

There are so many good tracks on this album, Finally, Borders, Visa, Swords, Go Off etc etc etc. Now is also a good time to mention that the best song in the world is Paper Planes - make a mental note.

AlunaGeorge - I Remember

My favourite thing about this album has nothing to do with how it sounds. What Aluna is singing about in some of these songs are SO empowering.

Mean What I Mean and I'm in Control are 2 of the songs of the year imho. (If someone could explain to me the dynamic of Aluna and George that would be great because I'm so confused, is George just camera shy?).


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