Thursday 15 September 2016


LTNS! (Did I just coin the 'long time, no see' abbreviation?)

I'm back baby and I come bearing gifts. Pretend that I am your friend in year 5 who goes overseas with their family and you miss her/him but you also know that you are gonna get some sweet souvenirs when they return!

I have outdone that friend in primary school because i've pulled through with gifts from Australia, the UK, the U.S and even a spicy number from the Dominican Republic because i'm an exotic traveller.

Long story short, we have some catching up to do. Before I dive back in to sharing my fav new tracks of the week, let me fill you in on what you might have missed over the past couple of months.

We got new Club Aerobics, NLV Records, DBM and the best news of all, NEW M.I.A. - but also, potentially the last M.I.A. :'(

pls enjoy.

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